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Home / Our Services / Skills Development & Training



Our experts will assist in ensuring your compliance with the Skills Development Act. We have experience in a variety of SETA’s and their requirements and help with the submission of your Annual Training Reports (ATR) and Workplace Skills Plan (WSP). We also provide training on a number of different subjects and can provide custom-made training at your request.  

Skills Development:

  • Skills Audit

  • Skills needs analysis/ Skills Matrix

    ATR & WSP – Assist with drafting and the submission thereof

    Application for SETA Funding in the form of grants and bursaries

  • Management of the Grant and Bursary application process and the day-to-day coordination of the process to ensure full utilisation as well as to keep track of all grant payments due to the company.


  • Employment Equity Awareness (Employee Awareness)

  • Employment Equity Committee training 

  • Discipline in the workplace (For anyone responsible for disciplining employees in the workplace. It takes them through how to issue warnings, deal with incapacities, how to initiate hearings, prep for hearings, etc.) 

  • Chairpersons training (Teaching individuals to chair hearings in the workplace) 

  • Sexual Harassment Training 

  • Employee Development Training (various levels)

    • Self-Awareness and Leadership & Taking Ownership

    • Communication Skills & Effective Delegation

    • Discipline in the Workplace & BIZM4 (financial understanding) 

    • Dealing with Absenteeism & Performance Management

    • POLC & Problem Solving

  • Personality awareness training (Can be used for development and coaching of managers, used with succession planning and talent management)

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