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Effective Communication

Most individuals think about speech when they hear the word communication. However, there are multiple ways in which we communicate:

  • Facial expressions

  • Gestures

  • Pointing/Using hands

  • Writing and drawing

  • Using technology (emails, WhatsApp etc.)

  • Touch

  • Eye contact

Communication is vital as it assists us in understanding targets and goals, can be used for effective delegation, creates transparency, can increase productivity, motivates individuals, avoids conflict and assists a company to operate effectively.

There are a number of ways to communicate effectively:

  1. Arrange meetings;

  2. Listen to hear and think about your answer/responses;

  3. Make sure the communication was understood;

  4. Follow up;

  5. Speak with confidence and use your body language;

  6. Use an appropriate tone of voice; and

  7. Be appreciative of the person listening.

Team meetings can also be an effective way to communicate with others. It assists in keeping individuals in the loop, providing clues to potential problems, helps raise morale, creates transparency and increases productivity and organisational profitability. However, care needs to be taken when using teams meetings as a form of communication or brainstorming, as there may be a sense of conformity bias toward an idea from other team members. It may also restrict individuals that have social anxiety and fear speaking in front of others.

It is vital that we understand communication barriers. Things to be aware of are perceptual barriers, emotional barriers, language barriers, cultural barriers and physical barriers. Communication is a learned skill that takes time and patience. It is important we are cognisant of our shortcomings and work on them.

We offer a variety of leadership training that improves the soft skills of current and future leaders. Should you be interested in leadership training or would like to know what training we offer, contact us at


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